We scan ads for a true impact

Our Mission
True Impact was founded in 2012 in Toronto, Canada. We help create human-friendly brand experiences.
Using consumer neuroscience research and other tools, we look for objective insights into customer emotion. Understanding emotion is the first step into creating experiences that are relevant and memorable.
True Impact provides insights into customer attention and emotion to Marketers and UX Researchers.
Our mission is to build meaningful relationships.
We do this by helping brands and agencies create meaningful content and develop emotional connections with people.
Our Story
We are marketers, neuroscientists, software developers, graphic designers and UX experts.
We have used a variety of tools to test and optimize marketing assets. However, there was nothing to give us a clear understanding of what attracts customer visual attention. So, we decided to build the platform we wish we had.
To drive conversion rates, you want to start by directing attention to your desired call to action. A marketing asset must be simple, concise and allow the customer to quickly identify next steps.
Using trueSCAN, Marketers, Graphic Designers and Researchers gain an objective measurement of their designs. trueSCAN shows what is working, what needs to be improved, and identify points where users may be getting stuck.

CEO, Co-Founder

CEO, Co-Founder
Neuromarketing leaders experienced in driving business and creating marketing optimization products, for brands and agencies.
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CTO, Co-Founder