There are important aspects in packaging that draw customers differently, according to various studies with eye tracking and brain research, from in-store displays and product packaging.

The Basics
Branding is the process of building and owning an individual niche in the consumer's mind. Branding is more than simply marketing; it's the full process of creating a memorable identity.
“The consumer feels you provide something special, whether it's because of function, form, convenience of use, pricing, or status.”
For example, tangible and intangible variables affecting a firm's brand include office décor, people clothing, organization philosophy, product/service quality, printed material design, and value-added services, to mention a few.
Create Relevant Content
Keep It Simple: One main idea is best. To begin, put your idea into context by deciding where your product will be placed and how many times customers will interact with it in various circumstances.
Define what memory you want to leave in each situation, and which area of interest in your packaging will allow you reach this goal:
Convey Emotions
Brand Image Visibility
Increase Social Media Visits
More QR Code Scans
Each package can be examined independently or in conjunction with others in context. Each context generates a new image, and each package generates its own image.
You can schedule a consultation with us if you need assistance selecting your objective or cropping your website in preparation for analysis.
Given the large number of similar products on the market, product placement in retail can be difficult. Our predictive neuromarketing software will assist you in determining what makes you stand out and where your product will be displayed on the shelf.
What color should you use for your product, what attraction might various components on the packaging provide, and how visible is your logo on each package? TrueSCAN can help you determine the simplicity and impact of your brand's packaging.
Your product is placed in front of your consumer through distribution channels. When determining which channel to use, think about where your target client shops and where they connect with your product the most. We will be able to catch this attention at any point during the product lifecycle by simulating the real world environment in pictures.
Using our predictive marketing technology, we can produce hypotheses about how your product packaging and shelf placement will perform based on your marketing objectives.
Simply choose one of our reports and choose the number of times you will examine your product, whether individually or in context.
For small one time use we recommend:
For larger more frequent analysis submit an estimate: